The Bosphorus is not a place, but a trans-locality. Like the mythological Io, its currents can cross beyond the strait to a whole celestial system of correspondences in which seeing is a matter of sounding. The project “Io/oX” pursues the logic of the astronautical, in which the rumbles and squeaks of dolphins among tankers passing within the strait can entangle with the echoes of plasma and probes transiting Jupiter’s moon. An appropriated military radar on the Black Sea, a classroom of sonic crashes on the Marmara, and a Voyager that just crossed into interstellar space create an installation that physically spans the length of strait and the solar system alike.
Whatever “orientation” the Bosphorus has traditionally provided will be reconfigured by means of analogy as well as The Analog, aquatic currents as well as electromagnetic ones, and all manner of vibrating waveforms among images, recordings, and local artifacts. Taking inspiration from Galileo’s A Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, we will seek a cacophonous dialogue that tests the limit of distinctions – of signal & noise, the here & the there, of cymbals & symbols alike – inviting others to both listen closely and participate in possibilities in the creation of a new noise